
From Cherednik algebras to knot homology via cuspidal D-modules, arxiv:2407.00971, pdf (more updated than arxiv version)
Rational Cherednik algebras and torus knot invariants: filtrations, arxiv:2402.18770, pdf

From REU:
θ-triangle and ω-parallelogram pairs with common area and common perimeter with Matilde Lalín, Journal of Number Theory 202 (2019): 1-26. pdf


Instructor of Record:
Math 151-152, Calculus I-II, 2024-2025
Math 152, Calculus II, 2023-2024
Math 151-152, Calculus I-II, 2022-23
Math 131, 132, 153, Calculus I-III , 2021-22

Teaching Assistant:
Linear algebra, Intro to Differentiable Manifolds and Integration on Manifolds, Intro to Riemannian Geometry, 2020-21

UChicago REU mentor: 2020, 2021
UChicago DRP mentor: 2021-2024


If you live in Chicago, foster for Hyde Park Cats!
I highly recommend the AWM Research Symposium.